Instant Fast Traffic | The Secrets To Getting Instant Fast Traffic 24/7

An email with download instructions to the "Free Traffic Blueprints" package has been sent to your email. Please look out for it.

In the meantime, you might want to check out this special offer...we normally sell this package for $17. (Check it out at but don't buy it there) But if you act today, you can grab the Instant Fast Traffic Course for just $7.

Read This Carefully ...


Are you having trouble generating traffic online? Do you frequently run up large bills only to generate untargeted traffic that buys nothing?

" Start Generating Thousands Of Unique FREE Targeted Visitors To Any Website With Almost Zero Effort - 100% Guaranteed! "

WARNING! You're about to crack the code and enter the elite fraternity of internet marketers who are able to generate free targeted traffic at will - and how to leverage this to earn the real big bucks!

From the desk of: Alvin Huang & Joel Chue
RE: Secrets to Driving Tons of Traffic...Instantly

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

You know that generating free TARGETED traffic is no easy feat.

It requires precision, persistence, ingenuity, careful planning, careful budgeting, tracking, measuring, assessing, comparing, and evaluating

It requires specific knowledge about marketing media.

It requires specialized knowledge about marketing strategy, sales copy, keyword selection, and advertising tactics…

And even with all of these specialized skills and with a laser-focused effort –

“ There's Plenty Of Room To Make
Mistakes Elsewhere "

You might...

Pick the wrong product
Create a sub-par product
Select a niche that is overcrowded
Spend too much money accidentally

Or you might have a great product in a profitable niche, but you might...

  • Have a tiny budget
  • Lack the software to test and track ads
  • Encounter something unexpected that completely demolishes your plans

Indeed, there are many places that you can go wrong in the production creation and marketing process. But, from today forward, traffic generation – the place where most internet business owners go wrong – need NOT be one of them.

Today, you are going to learn about a resource that will completely transform your internet marketing career. But before I tell you exactly what it is, let me tell you what it will do:

It will allow you to…

“ Generate Unlimited FREE Targeted Traffic Quickly And Easily - Without Any Out-Of-Pocket Costs! "

Now, we haven’t told you exactly what we're going to reveal to you. All I’ve told you is that it will enable you to generate an unlimited amount of traffic…fast and free.

Take just a moment to think about what implications that will have for your business...

  • Sell more units of all products you currently have available on the market.

  • Create virtually any product imaginable (provided that it other people will find it useful)… and, within a matter of days, be able to send hungry, interested prospects to its sales page.

  • Promote high-end, high-commission products as an affiliate, since you will be able to channel large crowds of buyers… from any niche and at any time of the year at your whim!

  • Eliminate your current methods of marketing, which are costly and which rarely generate enough revenue…

  • Expand your business rapidly without worry that your new products and services will become worthless

In short, this thing we're talking about will take you from being a struggling internet business owner into a traffic-generating powerhouse!

Here's some of the paychecks we're banking in thanks to the traffic we've managed to generate...

Now, think about the implications of this for your life and family, your leisure time, and the amount of time you can spend with your friends…

" What Would Tons Of Free Traffic Do For You? "

  • Become a lot wealthier?
  • Put all of your kids through a nice university?
  • Buy that car you’ve always wanted?
  • Relocate your family to a larger home with a spacious yard?
  • Buy your significant other something special – something you have always wanted to get, but simply didn’t have the cash to buy?
  • Work less hours, so that you could spend more time with your friends and families?
  • Quit your current job and spend your entire day at home, working for yourself, rather than a boss who doesn’t appreciate you?
  • Feel financially secure every day of your life?
  • Relieve all of the stress you encounter on a daily basis by completely eliminating all of your debt?
  • Adopt the lifestyle that you want, rather than being shackled down to a 9-5 schedule and regular bills?
  • Feel good about yourself because you are able to provide for your family and for your parents in their old age?

IN SHORT, if you master the skill of free targeted traffic, then you truly can achieve any goals you set as an Internet business owner...

  • You CAN be as wealthy as you want to be
  • You CAN create your own work schedule
  • And you CAN eliminate feelings of stress, guilt, and anxiety
  • You CAN reduce the amount of time you spend working!
All you have to do is find a product, create a website (or even not if you don't want to), and then deliver the traffic for FREE. The money will flow in and it will change your life.

Now that I’ve said all of that, it’s time for you to return to earth – to ground yourself and your dreams...

" We Want You To Focus On The Here And Now"

Because, before you can move forward, you’re going to have to shatter all illusions you have about “effective” marketing…and fully embrace what I’m going to tell you.

You’re going to have to…

" Learn Where You’ve Been Wrong! "

In the past, you probably made a lot of assumptions about how traffic generation is done correctly. Many of these assumptions were probably wrong.

And since you based all of your traffic generation strategies off of these “wrong assumptions,” the results you got were poor.

It’s as simple as that.

So why did you make these wrong assumptions? You read a few ebooks, browsed a few forums, and then starting using what everyone else said was “hot” and “effective.”

This is very common behavior among Internet businesses. Indeed, it is hard to resist the canned solutions that experts espouse and semi-successful marketers talk about on every last forum and blog.

And this is exactly what happened to you.

When the Internet marketing crowd turned against free sources of traffic, you bought their arguments.

When marketers talked about how they had generated massive amounts of traffic using Google AdWords, you reveled in the possibilities (and wasted a whole lot of money in the process).

You did this because it all seemed to make sense in your head. You thought:

  • It makes sense that fast and “free” traffic generation methods probably don’t work well. Otherwise, who would pay to generate traffic?
  • It makes sense that costly, complex traffic generation methods probably do work well. Most people aren’t rich because they can’t figure out how to use them.

When you made these assumptions, you were wrong. But don’t feel bad. Virtually all marketers make these same mistakes.

It is for that exact reason that many marketers CONDEMN themselves to generating traffic through costly, complex cost-per-click (CPC) methods, when, in fact, they would have far more success with smaller, simpler, less expensive methods.

" If You Want Instant Fast Traffic
- Get Instant Fast Traffic "

Wow Guys! All I can say is if you want Instant Fast Traffic - get Instant Fast Traffic. It's the lifeblood of our businesses and your unique system truly nails extreme traffic generation, which leads to more sales, more subscribers - just more of everything with a TON less work! Great job and highly recommended! 

Ray Johnson

" Over 27 Instant Hot Strategies Revealed
At Such A Low Price! "

I love your "Instant Fast Traffic" because it is very comprehensive and straight to the point. Especially with over 27 Instant Hot strategies revealed at such a low price!

From simple techniques like email signatures to advanced techniques which involves building your networks, I think it is very well-covered.

I particularly like strategy 20 which involves getting your products being sent around in a viral manner! Impressive!

John Yeo
Pro Wedding Blogger



" You Already Knew it From Your Own Experience! "

You KNEW that complex marketing methods simply weren’t ever going to make you rich, no matter how many ebooks you bought that told you otherwise.

You KNEW that wasting hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars on really, really hard to understand marketing strategies simply wasn’t going to pan out.

For those who want to pour a tremendous time into creating campaigns, testing and tweaking them, and then testing them again…great. The results are likely to be cost-effective and the traffic is likely to be highly targeted.

For the vast majority of Internet business owners (and especially those at the beginner or intermediate level), these complex strategies are NOT worthwhile.

Not only do they unnecessarily eat up time, but they rarely produce outcomes that can be justified by the advertising budget.

Now that you realize and accept this, it is time to accept something else that is more fundamental – something that all marketing "gurus" understand very well.

" Most Of The BEST Traffic Methods Are 100% FREE! "

That’s right: while there many great paid outlets for generating traffic for your site, many of methods that "gurus" use to generate traffic for products are completely free!

Why do you think that…

  • You often hear about products from friends and affiliates of Internet marketers, rather than themselves…even when they’re advocating paid methods?
  • SEO product creators market their products through joint ventures and recruit affiliates to sell for them – even while they simultaneously espouse SEO as the only necessary means of traffic generation?
  • Most "gurus" have a large base of newsletter subscribers and market to them frequently?
  • The "gurus" write reports and then give them away for free?

Really, think hard about it. It’s no mistake that these things happen.

They’re conscious efforts on the part of skilled Internet marketers to make money by working through the most effective marketing channels. In these cases, they all happened to be free.

For you, the same can be true. You might not have a half dozen “guru” friends who you can hit up for a joint venture, but you do have DOZENS of free and very low-cost options available to you when it comes to marketing...

In fact, there are many free traffic generation methods that you have access to now, but you’re probably ignoring them because someone told you they won’t work.

Fortunately, now that you’ve opened your eyes – now that you think in terms of what gurus do, rather than what they say to do – you can finally realize and accept how good the opportunity is that I’m about to offer you…

This is not only an opportunity to revolutionize how you do business and how you generate traffic, but it is also a means to a better life, where you can earn more, spend more time with your family, and spend more time with your friends.

This opportunity I’m talking about is in this secret course called…

“ Instant Fast Traffic System ”

The Secrets To Getting Fast Traffic 24/7

Unlike many courses you may have purchased in the past, this is different.

This is a huge, 3 module course you can own in just seconds from now just by clicking here.

It reveals exactly what you want to know - how to leverage marketing methods that have no out-of-pocket costs to earn as much as you want.

And when we say as much as you want, we mean:

As little as $1,000 in extra revenue per month...
Or millions of dollars of incremental profits per year!

The "Instant Fast Traffic" System is packed with detailed, step-by-step, and image-by-image screenshot instructions for generating huge traffic using ONLY fast & free methods!

Let us make this clear again:

Unlike other instructional reports which contain unclear instructions and sloppily omit important points, Instant Fast Traffic System " ensures you walk away with a full, detailed understanding of traffic generation by providing you with clear illustrations and step-by-step instructions.

But enough talk, let’s get down to the specifics...

#1 : Search Domination Traffic + Mindmap

The strategies contained within Module 1 will empower empower you to generate thousands more visitors each month than you ever could with what you're currently doing.

And, best of all…these are all free methods with ZERO out-of-pocket costs. Not only does it contain all of the tested, tried, true, reliable forms of free traffic generation, but it also contains up-to-date strategies – the ones that have yet to hit the mainstream.

Here's a small taste of what you'll discover in just this module alone:

Our secret stash of resources that you can use everytime to bolster your search engine ranking positions and significantly increase click-through traffic!

How to legally and ethically spy on your competition and stay informed at all times! You'll know their every move and beat them in the market race, while simultaneously increasing your sales and profits! Plus, we reveal secret "spy-tool" that will do the work for you... FREE!

Our favourite way to 'steal' traffic from massive Web 2.0 sites

How to find huge pools of targeted traffic just waiting to buy, and easily get them to to visit your website!

The #1 way to use email signatures effectively, so that you can capture several high-profile leads each day! (You'll be surprised how easy this is...)

Seldom known secrets on how to use Craigslist and other classified ads site correctly, so that you can spawn a crowd of hungry buyers at your whim... (Keep this techniques to yourself though..)

Simple, yet powerful, strategies for getting your links on high-PR authority sites, so that Google sends you more natural search engine traffic for free!

How and where you can get high-profile one-way links pointing to your product webpage...absolutely free! (99% of internet marketers wished they knew this little trick...)

The EXACT way you can use “web rings” to effectively to improve your search engine ranking positions and suck in hordes of traffic to your websites

A little sneaky way to turn affiliate reviews into a "free traffic machine" and much more!

And much much more...

#2 : Content Traffic Invasion + Mindmap

With Module 2, you will become adept at using content in ways that you had never thought profitable in the past.

For instance, you will learn exactly how you can turn an inexpensive, easy-to-create piece of content into an unstoppable means of traffic generation.

Take this - you can take a simple, 300-400 word article and…

Use it to generate traffic through article directories… both by capturing more “click throughs” and by improving your search engine ranking positions!

Make it viral, so that you can spawn an endless tidal wave of traffic from social media sites, blogs, email referrals, and other sources of traffic generation and referral...

Implement the article marketing secret we use to consistently rake in info hungry customers and subscribers from all over the web.

While you might have a rough idea of how to use some of these strategies, there’s a good chance you’re missing an important piece. And that’s precisely why this report contains step-by-step instructions with illustrations.

You will also learn how to take a seemingly simple 100-200 word blog entry and…

Generate tons of free visitors with bookmarking channels and blog directories...

A guaranteed way to magnetically attract cash through "affiliate blogging" - (Yes there is a difference!)

How To avoid the #1 blogging mistake most bloggers make. Blogs are great traffic generators but not if you're making this mistake...

4 niche traffic generators that most marketers don't know about...even your competition!

Use a “blog carnival” to generate a lightning-fast storm of traffic to your blog! (A technique that top bloggers consistently use - now you can too!)

How to use “vlogging” (video blogging) correctly. While many people are capable of creating and uploading video content, few are capable of converting it into cash. You'll see exact step-by-step techniques to converting your vlogging efforts into cash!

The best 3 methods to create and market niche blogs – and then use them as traffic generation mechanisms for your products...

How to arrange guest-authorship swaps, so that you and improve your profile within your niche and capture traffic from other blogs with larger readerships!

And a whole lot more...

Click Here To Get Instant Access To
The Instant Fast Traffic Course

#3 : Underground Traffic Funnels + Mindmap

You'll be exposed to various underground traffic generation techniques that we've uncovered over the years in Module 3.

Overlooked and seldom used by others, these methods yield extremely great results and will send torrents of traffic gushing to your websites when used properly.

You'll discover:

8 simple strategies for setting up co-promotions with joint venture partners and then using them to generate massive amounts of free traffic...

How to apply high-end joint venture marketing strategies, such as organizing teleseminars, co-authoring ebooks, and co-authoring article series...(Get this right and you'll be set for life...)

Powerful 'alternative' traffic generation strategies that have nothing to do with the internet

How to tap into an virtual 'storehouse' of hundreds of millions of visitors a month.

The most optimal way to integrate offline marketing strategies with online...creating a 2 prong traffic beast that just gets your neverending traffic to your websites...

How to use social marketing strategies outlets to capture massive amounts of viral traffic through audio and video content, articles, email, tell-a-friend scripts, contests, quizzes, giveaways, and other uncommon, but invaluable marketing strategies!

And much more...

" Broken The Traffic Techniques Into Easy To Manage Step By Step Action Steps. . . "

I just finished reading your Instant Fast Traffic from beginning to end in one sitting. When I finished reading my head was so full of ideas and techniques that I need to implement it left my head spinning.

Alvin and Joel have broken the traffic techniques into easy to manage step by step action steps. The trick here is to start at module one and implement one technique at a time then moving on to the next module.

You guys have put together a supreme traffic manual with the “How To” with screen shots and the go to links that I can use right away without delay. I fully endorse this.

Nick Sanders

" Already Experienced A 62% Spike In
My Traffic Stats. . . "

Instant Fast Traffic is simply great, it's a complete course on getting traffic to your websites.

The modules have been very detailed and easy to follow and I have already experienced a 62% spike in my traffic stats just by following the proven techniques shown!

Jim Anderson

" Most Comprehensive Course I've Ever
Seen On Driving Traffic. "

I especially liked module 2 on content traffic invasion. There were alot of new and innovative ideas that i've just started trying out.

This is one of the most comprehensive course I've ever seen on driving traffic. A must read for any webmaster interested in getting more visitors to their website.

Saud Alattas

" So How Much Will You Have To Invest? "

This massive tome of traffic generation strategies is brimming over with strategies you’ve heard of, but misapplied – as well as strategies you’ve never used.

This complete and GUARANTEED "system" could very easily sell for $97.00 or more. In fact, much smaller reports that contain only a fraction of this information sell for that much every day.

But we're NOT going to charge you that much. We want you to see the value you'll get for just a measly one-time investment...

For a strictly limited time we've decided to release the "Instant Fast Traffic" course at a special introductory price.

Just $17 $7.


Because anyone on any budget can use this powerful info to hammer their websites with free traffic. You'll have several of those "aha" moments where you'll find the missing pieces of the puzzle you've been hopelessly searching for.

You'll only invest $17 $7 now (the cost of a fast food meal). We can't promise when you hit this page again that you won't see it's $47 or even higher.

" Only $17 For A Strictly Limited Time "

If you revisit this page and see that the price has rocketed to $47, please don't email us and ask if you can get it for $17. The $17 intro price is to reward fast action takers who are serious about their online business.

The entire Instant Fast Traffic course is loaded with proven step-by-step strategies we personally use to rake in thousands of dollars per month. Even though we're only asking for a measly $17, you'll want to treat it like GOLD.

Regular Price $47 Today $17 $7

" Absolutely No Risk On Your Part! "

Try it all out for 60 days at no risk.  If you're not 100% satisfied, just ask and you'll get a courteous, prompt, and full refund.  No questions asked.  We'll even part friends.

In other words, if you just want to take a peek to see what the course is all about, you can do so without a threat. If you're unsatisfied in anyway, you can simply ask for a refund.

Take action now and grab one of the most comprehensive, carefully-constructed, well-written, professionally-formatted reports you have ever seen online...

" Pull Traffic And Sales Like Steel To A Magnet! "

Just think, once you gain access to our course, you could be cranking into your site a truck load of visitors, which turn into SALES! And you can do it AUTOMATICALLY, HANDS FREE!

Can you visualize seeing your inbox jammed packed full of emails informing you of hundreds of signups and sales that YOU have made...with hardly any effort?!

Imagine all of the time you'll save!

Time that you could invest into other, more IMPORTANT things, whether in your business or in your personal life!

Realize the potential that this system will produce for you once it starts to "SNOWBALL" thru the entire internet, bringing you visitors handing you cash while you sleep!

Don't deny the profits and the lifestyle you so richly deserve any longer...

Grab it at $97 $17 $7 only before we're forced to raise the price!

YES Alvin & Joel, Give Me Instant Access To The Instant Fast Traffic Course Now!

I Want To Start Driving Tons Of Traffic Today

  • I understand I'll be instantly downloading the entire "Instant Fast Traffic" course system, complete with the 3 modules for just a measly one-time investment of $197, $97, $47., $17 $7.
  • On top of that, I also understand that my investment is protected by your 100% 60-Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Regular Price $47 Today $17 $7

(We reserve the right to end this offer at anytime without warning.)

(It doesn't matter if it's 3 A.M - You'll get immediate access
to the entire Instant Fast Traffic course)

See you on the inside,

P.S In case you don't get it, you simply cannot fail with this system that directly leads you in a straight line to visitors and cash into YOUR pockets automatically! So download your course now instead of wasting time reading all this and shortchanging yourself.

P.P.S Remember, we’re taking all the risk for a full 60 days while you get to test-drive our traffic pulling system. If it doesn’t work for you, then you don’t pay!

P.P.P.S Still skeptical? Here's the strongest proof of just how powerful our strategies are. Consider this: We got you to visit this website, read this P.S and now you want to download the Instant Fast Traffic course.

" Is The Bible Of Internet Traffic "

Alvin and Joel...

I am writing to you at this late hour because I simply couldn't get to sleep; that's how excited I was after reading through your "Instant Fast Traffic" modules.

I've read them all at once and then again, more slowly, because although I considered myself knowledgeable on the subject (traffic) I still had to take notes here and there when you revealed things I have never heard about before.

Having all this information at hand would have made my journey much... much more easier. And I truly, honestly wished I've known you guys when I first discovered internet marketing.

I know what I am talking about.

I had to overcome a terrible obstacle when I started online. The first two pages of SERPs for my name (Steve Lorenzo) were filled with a gruesome character (a serial killer born in
Brooklyn, whom I was sharing my name with... ugghh!)

Having so much media exposure at the time he was caught... made my job almost impossible!

I surpassed this by employing the power of Web 2.0 (LinkedIn mostly) properties, doing pretty much what you preach for traffic, but I was doing it for ranking.

However, a lot of traffic came from these efforts; trickling at first, flowing lately... 

And this is only ONE of the ways you're talking about in your Modules.

Now, as I will give you permission to use my message even as a testimonial (that is how much I appreciate your work) here is something I want to say from my experience, both for you AND your readers and visitors:

"If YOU have ever managed to sell even a measly $1 'something' online, THE ONLY thing that's missing before you could sell $1.000 the next day is...

Guess what?  TRAFFIC!!!"

Traffic is one of the Six Pillars of Internet Marketing. Without it, all the rest is worthless...

The course Instant Fast Traffic that you have written, leaves no stone unturned, no secret hidden. 

It is the 'Bible of Internet Traffic'.

Steve Lorenzo

Click Here To Download
Instant Fast Traffic Immediately


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Selasa, 23 September 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - THE GIRL WHO SILENCED THE WORLD FOR 5 MINUTESPidato menakjuban anak 12 tahun di ruang sidang PBB. Cerita ini berbicara mengenai seorang anak yg bernama Severn Suzuki, seorang anak yg pada usia 9 tahun telah mendirikan Enviromental Children's Organization (ECO). ECO sendiri adalah sebuah kelompok kecil anak yg mendedikasikan diri untuk belajar dan mengajarkan pada anak" lain mengenai masalah lingkungan. Dan mereka pun diundang menghadiri Konfrensi Lingkungan hidup PBB, dimana pada saat itu Severn yg berusia 12 Tahun memberikan sebuah pidato kuat yg memberikan pengaruh besar (dan membungkam) beberapa pemimpin dunia terkemuka. Apa yg disampaikan oleh seorang anak kecil berusia 12 tahun hingga bisa membuat RUANG SIDANG PBB hening, lalu saat pidatonya selesai ruang sidang penuh dengan orang terkemuka yg berdiri dan memberikan tepuk tangan yg meriah kepada anak berusia 12 tahun? Inilah Isi pidato tersebut: Halo, nama Saya Severn Suzuki, berbicara mewakili E.C.O - Enviromental Children Organization Kami adalah kelompok dari Kanada yg terdiri dari anak-anak berusia 12 dan 13 tahun, yang mencoba membuat perbedaan: Vanessa Suttie, Morga, Geister, Michelle Quiq dan saya sendiri. Kami menggalang dana untuk bisa datang kesini sejauh 6000 mil untuk memberitahukan pada anda sekalian orang dewasa bahwa anda harus mengubah cara anda, hari ini di sini juga. Saya tidak memiliki agenda tersembunyi. Saya menginginkan masa depan bagi diri saya saja. Kehilangan masa depan tidaklah sama seperti kalah dalam pemilihan umum atau rugi dal....
... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Jumat, 05 September 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - ANAK PENJUAL KUESeorang pemuda yang sedang lapar pergi menuju restoran jalanan dan iapun menyantap makanan yang telah dipesan. Saat pemuda itu makan datanglah seorang anak kecil laki-laki menjajakan kue kepada pemuda tersebut, "Pak, mau beli kue, Pak?" Dengan ramah pemuda yang sedang makan menjawab "Tidak, saya sedang makan". Anak kecil tersebut tidaklah berputus asa dengan tawaran pertama. Ia tawarkan lagi kue setelah pemuda itu selesai makan, pemuda tersebut menjawab "Tidak dik, saya sudah kenyang". Setelah pemuda itu membayar kekasir dan beranjak pergi dari warung kaki lima, anak kecil penjaja kue tidak menyerah dengan usahanya yang sudah hampir seharian menjajakan kue buatan bunda. Mungkin anak kecil ini berpikir "Saya coba lagi tawarkan kue ini kepada bapak itu, siapa tahu kue ini dijadikan oleh-oleh buat orang dirumah". Ini adalah sebuah usaha yang gigih membantu ibunda untuk menyambung kehidupan yang serba pas-pasan ini. Saat pemuda tadi beranjak pergi dari warung tersebut anak kecil penjaja kue menawarkan ketiga kali kue dagangan. "Pak mau beli kue saya?", pemuda yang ditawarkan jadi risih juga untuk menolak yang ketiga kalinya, kemudian ia keluarkan uang Rp. 1.500,00 dari dompet dan ia berikan sebagai sedekah saja. "Dik ini uang saya kasih, kuenya nggak usah saya ambil, anggap saja ini sedekahan dari saya buat adik". Lalu uang yang diberikan pemuda itu ia ambil dan diberikan kepada pengemis yang sedang meminta-minta. Pemuda tadi jadi bingung, lho ini anak dikasih uang kok mal....
... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1